Empowering Women in Tech: Interview with the real Renegades

Say hello to the true Renegades and celebrate women in the tech industry. I want you to picture someone who works in the tech industry. Really, sit down and think about it. What sort of person are they? What do they look like?  Given that the blog title calls out Women in tech, the results…

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Are Google Ads Worth It?: The Pros and Cons of Google Ads

Google Ads have a way of integrating themselves into search results that make them look organic. Think of your last Google Search. It could be on any subject. Did you notice the top few results have a small banner over the top that reads “Sponsored”? Or the last time you opened YouTube, your video started…

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3 Reasons to Invest in Professional Web Design in Groveland

The front doors of your organization are now digital. That’s why investing in professional web design is important now more than ever. Studies show 81 percent of consumers research products and services online before making a purchase. In this digital age, that means the first impression people get of your business is your website. It’s…

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